Lowestoft Bowling Marathon Raises Thousands

    Ansy Hides during one of his 24 one hour bowls matches.

    ​​​​​​​Thousands of pounds have been raised for charity, after a Lowestoft man’s 24 hour bowling marathon.

    Andy Hides started his epic lawn bowls challenge at 1100am on Saturday at Kensington Gardens.

    He played 24 - one hour matches non-stop…with money raised going to Macmillan Cancer Support.

    Two thousand piunds was raised over the weekend alone - with thousands more in total.

    After starting the challege Andy said the most difficlut time was during the evening - but when the floodlights came on for the overnight matches - he did not feel too bad.

    Over the course of the marathon Andy walked around 55 miles up and down the lawns.

    East Suffolk One joined Andy in the evenig and at the end of his amazing bowling marathon. With the image above showing the list of opponents and scores.

    Well done Andy.

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