Food Savvy Suffolk Challenge

    With upto £730 being wasted each year by families in our region by throwing food away, the search is on to find the street or community in Suffolk - that can save money… by reducing the amount of food wasted.

    With upto £730 being wasted each year by families in our region by throwing food away, the search is on to find the street or community in Suffolk - that can save money… by reducing the amount of food wasted.

    The ‘Food Savvy Project’ is a challenge that will pitch a winner from Suffolk - against one from Norfolk.

    Householders that take part in the challenge will get personalised advice, a free food saving kit and will join challenges to win prizes.

    Suffolk Waste Partnership and Hubbub are on the search for a Suffolk street or community that thinks it’s got what it takes to save money by saving food waste.

    As part of the #Foodsavvy project, the challenge is being laid down for one street from Suffolk and one from Norfolk to collectively make their food go further and help save it from the bin. This is a fun opportunity for Suffolk residents to get directly involved and shine a spotlight on the little things we can all do to cut down on food waste and help us all to stop good food from going to waste.

    In line with the rest of the UK, the average East Anglian family can waste up to £730 a year on food waste. If households were to cut their food waste, they could be benefiting from having an extra £60 in the bank each month.

    Those householders that take part in the challenge will be provided with personalised advice, a free food saving kit and will join challenges to win prizes. There might even be a chance to be on TV!

    Suffolk Waste Partnership Manager, Rob Cole, said:  “We would love to involve Suffolk residents to tackle the important issue of food waste head on.

    “The benefits of reducing food waste are not limited to reducing our carbon footprint, but by being smart with our groceries, families and households can discover new and delicious recipes and save money on their food bills too.

    “This project promises to be a fun and, mildly competitive, opportunity to help residents see for themselves just how much they could be saving by being a little more food savvy.”

    To nominate your street or neighbourhood before 17th May, visit and fill out the Street That Saved form.

    Ten households in a street, block or neighbourhood will need to sign up in the six weeks following the nomination.

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