The Suffolk and Norfolk County Council's Flood and Water Management Teams have been successful in winning £6.
The Suffolk and Norfolk County Council's Flood and Water Management Teams have been successful in winning £6.4 million to implement innovative sustainable water management projects across both counties. Both councils placed a joint bid into Defra's 6-year Flood and Coastal Resilience Innovation Programme and were 1 of 25 successful projects chosen to take part. The joint project, named 'Reclaim the Rain' sets out to improve flood and drought resilience in at least six small rural communities across Suffolk and Norfolk. Suffolk and Norfolk both face considerable surface water flood risk, while also being the driest region in the UK. The project will deliver beneficial flood water reuse by agriculture, industry, communities, and the environment combined with nature-based flood management solutions. The project will involve both partner organisations and the community in the development of suitable flood water reuse schemes. The schemes will address the community's needs in terms of flood risk and water resource requirements, and could result in provision of: Habitat creation and restoration; Rain Gardens; Rainwater Capture and Reuse for community, agriculture or business use; Retrofitted SuDS; Smart Leaky Water Butts and more... To find out more about 'Reclaim the Rain' and how you can get involved, visit: