Criminal Damage At Uks Most Easterly Landmark

    Vandals have caused thousands of pounds of damage at Lowestoft’s Ness Point.

    Vandals have caused thousands of pounds of damage at Lowestoft’s Ness Point.

    Lowestoft Town Council are calling for a stop to what it says is 'the mindless and unnecessary' criminal damage at Ness Point, the UK's Most-Easterly landmark.

    The recent damage, which has taken place from 5th to 6th December, has seen many of the Euroscope’s panels lifted and damaged, with the central disc also stolen. Speaking about the criminal damage, Councillor Sonia Barker, Mayor of Lowestoft, said: “I am appalled by this mindless vandalism that has taken place at this important landmark. I know many people enjoy visiting Ness Point and taking in the Euroscope and this criminal damage has ruined Lowestoft’s unique geographical landmark, especially with the Winter Solstice approaching”.

    Suffolk Police are appealing for any information or witnesses to the criminal activity to report to them, quoting Crime Reference Number 37/70320/23. Information can be reported online, emailing or calling Crimestoppers 0800 555111 or 101. The place of the now stolen central disc of the Euroscope.

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