Blue Tongue Animal Disease in East Suffolk Area

    Map of where the Blue Tongue outbreak first occurred: Credit - Defra

    A farm near Beccles has been the first in the UK to report a case of the animal disease, blue tongue.

    Cases close to Haddiscoe have now spread to other cattle at farms elsewhere and means there is now a restriction on the movement of cattle, sheep and also llamas and alpacas.

    Spread by infected midges - the disease can cause animals to have infertility and breathing problems.

    It does not affect people, and meat and milk from infected animals are safe to eat and drink.

    Surveillance is underway to understand if the virus is currently circulating in the UK and the extent of any undisclosed disease. Given the current temperatures and midge activity, which spread the disease, there is a high risk of onward spread in the UK.

    Defra - Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs have said that: 'following reports of clinical suspicion in sheep and cattle on 5 new premises in Suffolk and Norfolk, bluetongue serotype 3 (BTV-3) has been confirmed at these premises. The total number of cases of bluetongue virus BTV- 3 stands at 10 infected premises.'


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