Knit & Natter in Our Area

    Next: Wednesday, 4 December 2024

    Runs until Wednesday, 25 December 2024 (See all dates)

    12:00 - 13:00

    Blundeston – Holly Garden Nurseries Knit and Natter
    Sally Anne’s Tea Rooms, Holly Garden Nurseries, Flixton Road, Blundeston, Suffolk NR32 5PL
    Contact Allyson Barron on 01502 560258 or at
    Every Wednesday 11am – 3pm

    Bungay Knit and Natter
    The Riverside Centre, The Staithe, Bungay, Suffolk NR35 1BF
    Contact Brenda Lewis on 01986 896861
    Awaiting information about re-opening. Contact Group Organiser for further information.

    Busy Bees Knit & Natter
    The Old Bank, Eye, Suffolk
    Contact Wendy Thompson on 01359 241373 or at
    Gorleston – Charter Close Knit and Natter
    Charter Close, Gorleston NR31 7LD
    Contact Gill Collier on 07778 542335 or at
    Every Friday 2pm – 4pm

    Hopton Knit and Natter
    Hopton Methodist Chapel, Hopton
    Contact Lesley Jarrold on 01359 22160
    Meets the first Monday of the month

    Kessingland Knit and Natter
    Kessingland Sports & Social Centre, Francis Road, Kessingland, Suffolk NR33 7PU
    Contact Sue Lain
    Every Wednesday morning at 10am

    Livingstone Knitters
    Livingstones Restaurant, Kessingland, Suffolk NR33
    Contact Gill Kirby on 01502 511087
    Meet every Wednesday 10.30 to 12.30

    Lowestoft – Apple Tree Close Stitch and Yarn Group
    Apple Tree Close, Kirkley Park Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR33 0LS
    Contact Site Manager
    Alternate Mondays (contact Site Manager for dates) drop in from 2pm to 4pm

    Lowestoft – Gunton Baptist Church Create and Craft Group
    Montgomery Avenue, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR32 4DZ
    Contact Jayne Stone on 07776 292628
    Monday mornings 10am to 12pm

    Lowestoft – Kirkley Knitters
    The Coconut Loft, 8 Waterloo Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR33 0AA
    Contact Shirley Perry
    Every Wednesday at 1pm

    Lowestoft – Kirkley Knitting Club
    Red Oak Community Primary School, Southwell Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR33 0RZ
    Contact Yvonne Connelly
    Meets every Tuesday evening term times from 19.00 to 21.00

    Lowestoft – Morrisons Cafe North Quay
    Morrisons Cafe, North Quay Retail Park, Lowestoft NR32 2ED
    Starts 5 February – then every Wednesday 1000 – 1200hrs

    Lowestoft – The Yard – Knit, Stitch and Yarn
    The Yard, Ashby Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR32 2BB
    Contact Sue Bowring on 01502 501030 or at
    10am every Friday and 1pm every Tuesday

    Lowestoft Wool Loft
    The Yard, Ashby Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR32 2BB
    Contact Susan Bowring on +441502501030 or at
    Open on the 2nd Saturday and 4th Tuesday from 11am to 1pm

    Lowestoft, Seagull Theatre Knit and Natter
    19-75 Morton Rd, Oulton Broad, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR33 0JH
    Contact Seagull Theatre on 01502 589726 or at
    Every Thursday 10 – 1 in the foyer.

    Reydon Knit and Natter
    Reydon Church
    Contact Jennifer Rowland on 01502 57807
    Every 2nd Tuesday of the month 2.30 to 4pm

    South Norfolk Wool Shed
    Diss Methodist Church Rooms, Victoria Road, Diss, Norfolk IP22 4EY
    Contact Heather Chamberlain on 01379 740503 or at
    Meets first Tuesday of the month – 10 to 12

    Lowestoft – St Luke’s
    St Luke’s Church Centre, Homefield Avenue, Oulton Broad, Lowestoft, Suffolk
    Contact Margaret jones on 01502 517826 or at
    Meet monthly on third wednesday from 2 – 4pm

    Lowestoft – St Mark’s
    St Marks Church Hall, Bridge Road, Oulton Broad, Lowestoft
    Contact Jennifer Newson on 01502 563694 or at
    Meet monthly on 1st Thursdays from 2 – 4pm

    Lowestoft – St Michaels Knitters
    Lowestoft, Suffolk
    Contact Sue Simpson on 01502 581152 or at
    Meet in different venues monthly at 1.30

    Eye – Syleham & Wingfield Craft Group
    Syleham Village Hall, Syleham, Eye, Suffolk IP21 4LT
    Contact Alison Thurlow on 01379 668251 or at
    Meets every third Thursday in the month from 13.30 to 16.00

    Wangford First Thursday Knitting Group
    Community Centre, Millfields, Wangford, Beccles, Suffolk NR34 8RG
    Contact Valerie Beckett on 01502 578987 or at
    Meets on the first Thursday of the month at 2.30pm

    More Information (East Suffolk One is not responsible for external websites)

    Blundeston – Holly Garden Nurseries Knit and Natter

    Sally Anne’s Tea Rooms, Holly Garden Nurseries, Flixton Road, Blundeston, Suffolk NR32 5PL

    Contact Allyson Barron on 01502 560258 or at

    Every Wednesday 11am – 3pm

    Bungay Knit and Natter

    The Riverside Centre, The Staithe, Bungay, Suffolk NR35 1BF

    Contact Brenda Lewis on 01986 896861

    Awaiting information about re-opening. Contact Group Organiser for further information.

    Busy Bees Knit & Natter

    The Old Bank, Eye, Suffolk

    Contact Wendy Thompson on 01359 241373 or at

    Gorleston – Charter Close Knit and Natter

    Charter Close, Gorleston NR31 7LD

    Contact Gill Collier on 07778 542335 or at

    Every Friday 2pm – 4pm

    Hopton Knit and Natter

    Hopton Methodist Chapel, Hopton

    Contact Lesley Jarrold on 01359 22160

    Meets the first Monday of the month

    Kessingland Knit and Natter

    Kessingland Sports & Social Centre, Francis Road, Kessingland, Suffolk NR33 7PU

    Contact Sue Lain

    Every Wednesday morning at 10am

    Livingstone Knitters

    Livingstones Restaurant, Kessingland, Suffolk NR33

    Contact Gill Kirby on 01502 511087

    Meet every Wednesday 10.30 to 12.30

    Lowestoft – Apple Tree Close Stitch and Yarn Group

    Apple Tree Close, Kirkley Park Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR33 0LS

    Contact Site Manager

    Alternate Mondays (contact Site Manager for dates) drop in from 2pm to 4pm

    Lowestoft – Gunton Baptist Church Create and Craft Group

    Montgomery Avenue, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR32 4DZ

    Contact Jayne Stone on 07776 292628

    Monday mornings 10am to 12pm


    Lowestoft – Kirkley Knitters

    The Coconut Loft, 8 Waterloo Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR33 0AA

    Contact Shirley Perry

    Every Wednesday at 1pm

    Lowestoft – Kirkley Knitting Club

    Red Oak Community Primary School, Southwell Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR33 0RZ

    Contact Yvonne Connelly

    Meets every Tuesday evening term times from 19.00 to 21.00

    Lowestoft – Morrisons Cafe North Quay

    Morrisons Cafe, North Quay Retail Park, Lowestoft NR32 2ED

    Starts 5 February – then every Wednesday 1000 – 1200hrs

    Lowestoft – The Yard – Knit, Stitch and Yarn

    The Yard, Ashby Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR32 2BB

    Contact Sue Bowring on 01502 501030 or at

    10am every Friday and 1pm every Tuesday

    Lowestoft Wool Loft

    The Yard, Ashby Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR32 2BB

    Contact Susan Bowring on +441502501030 or at

    Open on the 2nd Saturday and 4th Tuesday from 11am to 1pm

    Lowestoft, Seagull Theatre Knit and Natter

    19-75 Morton Rd, Oulton Broad, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR33 0JH

    Contact Seagull Theatre on 01502 589726 or at

    Every Thursday 10 – 1 in the foyer.

    Reydon Knit and Natter

    Reydon Church

    Contact Jennifer Rowland on 01502 57807

    Every 2nd Tuesday of the month 2.30 to 4pm

    South Norfolk Wool Shed

    Diss Methodist Church Rooms, Victoria Road, Diss, Norfolk IP22 4EY

    Contact Heather Chamberlain on 01379 740503 or at

    Meets first Tuesday of the month – 10 to 12

    Lowestoft – St Luke’s

    St Luke’s Church Centre, Homefield Avenue, Oulton Broad, Lowestoft, Suffolk

    Contact Margaret jones on 01502 517826 or at

    Meet monthly on third wednesday from 2 – 4pm

    Lowestoft – St Mark’s

    St Marks Church Hall, Bridge Road, Oulton Broad, Lowestoft

    Contact Jennifer Newson on 01502 563694 or at

    Meet monthly on 1st Thursdays from 2 – 4pm

    Lowestoft – St Michaels Knitters

    Lowestoft, Suffolk

    Contact Sue Simpson on 01502 581152 or at

    Meet in different venues monthly at 1.30

    Eye – Syleham & Wingfield Craft Group

    Syleham Village Hall, Syleham, Eye, Suffolk IP21 4LT

    Contact Alison Thurlow on 01379 668251 or at

    Meets every third Thursday in the month from 13.30 to 16.00

    Wangford First Thursday Knitting Group

    Community Centre, Millfields, Wangford, Beccles, Suffolk NR34 8RG

    Contact Valerie Beckett on 01502 578987 or at

    Meets on the first Thursday of the month at 2.30pm


    The event runs from 12:00 to 13:00 on the following dates.
    Select a date to add this event to your calendar app.